Is a little one on the way? Are you looking for a special portrait that will melt your heart? Read on to find out what to expect and how and when to schedule your Newborn Photo Shoot with Rene Roy Photography.
Newborn photographs are a specialized session offered at Rene Roy Photography Studio in Gardiner Maine. Newborn sessions must take place within the first 10 days of baby’s arrival to get those adorable sleepy portraits. After this time, they advance into a stage of being more alert and it is hard to move them when sleeping.
Your session will take 2–3 hours. Most of the time is spent getting your little one comfortable, sleepy, and into cute positions. All the poses are safe. I move your little one with complete care and gentleness. The studio will be around 80 degrees (so bring a t-shirt!). The set will have a heating blanket and a white noise machine. Baby should be fed right before session to aid in sleeping. We take breaks as needed for feeding, cleaning, etc. This is all part of the process, and patience is key! Diaper should be loosened on the way to the studio to lessen marks on skin. The set is waterproof, and little ones generally wet on the set during a session so don’t worry about this 🙂 , it’s expected. I will have some handmade baby knitwear and special baby headbands available to choose from. There are also various blankets available. If you have some items of your own I would love to use them! Bring all the usual things for traveling with baby, including wipes, burp clothes, and extra clothes. Sometimes it’s a good idea to bring extra clothes for you as well. With the little one diaper-less.. accidents do happen, lol. I will be photographing directly to my computer so we can be sure we are getting the photographs we need. This session is all about patience! Having those sweet baby moments captured is so worth it! It never ceases to amaze me just how precious and perfect they are.